Please Select the price that is appropriate for your need or situation

We offer a number of price options depending on your needs:

$49 Regular Price
The regular price is $49, that is appropriate for most students.

$99 Priority Service
If you need the certificate in less than one week we suggest that you select the Priority Service at $99. You will have priority for the final interview.

$99 High Cost Loans 
High cost loans, also called Section 32 or HOEPA, require additional documentation and counseling so they will all be at the $99 level

$35 Discounted States/Areas/Programs
New Jersey and Florida Residents as well as the Marin County, CA BMR Program are priced at $35

$35 Low income

  • 1 person family with income of $21,000 or less
  • 2 person family with income of $28,000 or less
  • 3 person family with income of $35,000 or less
  • 4 person family with income of $42,000 or less
  • 5 person family with income of $49,000 or less
  • 6 person family with income of $56,000 or less
  • 7 person family with income of $63,000 or less
  • 8 person family with income of $70,000 or less

Please select the appropriate price level: